Shine a Light loves our local Therapists!

Continuing Education

Shine a Light Counseling Center is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs,LCSWs, and LPCCs. Please sign up on our email list to receive information on classes and workshops designed to help you broaden or deepen your therapeutic skill set. Also let us know if you have a workshop you would like to offer. We need presenters for in-service trainings to our eager-to-learn staff, as well as workshops valuable to the local therapist community.

at Shine a Light

Shine a Light Counseling Center contracts with selected therapists in the local community to provide individual supervision to many of our intern therapists. To inquire about how to become a supervisor, please fill out the Agency Contact form below. Once approved, you can access our supervisor training resources with this link.

Trainees & Associates

Shine a Light provides employment and supervision for MFT, MSW and PCC associates and trainees. Contact us if you are looking for a practicum or post-graduate internship. We serve a wide variety of clients and foster a supportive learning community in which to hone our craft. We are especially interested in Spanish speaking therapists to serve our Latino clients.

Internships at Shine a Light feature high quality supervision in a variety of Humanistic therapeutic orientations. We value clinicians who enjoy flexibility in their work schedule and the chance to develop their own therapeutic style. Please use this form to apply for an internship.

Staff Access Page

For SAL staff in-service and onboarding trainings. Password protected entry.

Referrals Made Easy

Shine a Light is dedicated to providing counseling services to people who need help. Some of them need a sliding scale. Some need a therapist who takes Medi-Cal, Medicare, or other types of insurance. If you need a place to refer clients you cannot see in your private practice or agency, Shine a Light can be your go-to referral option. We have a very diverse staff and we can find a good match for most clients. Learn more here.

Connecting with Local Therapists

The mission at Shine a Light extends to serving our local therapist community. In addition to CEU trainings, we host a list-serve/google group of local therapists. If you join, you can send and receive announcement or participate in dialogues with colleagues in the community. Click here to join.